The Sky is full of exploitation

Well, I know a lot of people might hate me for this but my take on the movie, The Sky is Pink, is extremely vicious. Firstly, the film is more like a documentary, has unnecessary time jumps for no definite objective, Priyanka Chopra is a miscast who doesn't seem to age at all (especially considering she went through so much pain), has numerous characters that unnecessarily keep hovering around and the story of the Chaudhary family is nothing different from millions of other such families who lose their loved ones at an early age and/or to some rare disease. It is too long and could have easily been shorter by at least 30 minutes. With such an emotional theme, the only time my eyes welled up was only in the last scene when Aisha's video recording of her last message was played.

More than the film, however, I have serious doubts on the Chaudhary family. [Spoilers Ahead]. Firstly, inspite of knowing that they have a faulty gene and after already losing one daughter earlier due to the same immune deficiency disorder, Niren & Aditi Chaudhary still go ahead with giving birth to another child (and blame it on Christianity). They pack themselves off to London even though, it seems, they didn't have money to buy the tickets but they were true marketing geniuses as they were able to mobilise enough money from donations received from Niren's colleagues. And this is when they tasted blood. Sorry Chaudharys but I think from hereon you exploited Aisha like no one could have even imagined. The emotional appeal got you 250,000 pounds in London in 1996 which was a HUGE amount in those days (Heck, it still is). Aditi comes across as someone who 'knows everything' that is good for her daughter then why would she move her to the health hell hole called Delhi? She even tried to get a boyfriend for Aisha! (Did she own her?) They exploit the plight of Aisha in getting her book published and if that was not enough, within 4 years of her death, have been able to release this film. Wow! How much money did they get for the film? I am sure the profits from the film are not being donated to some other needy person suffering from the same disease. Is the objective of the film seriously about raising awareness about immune deficiency disorder? Once Aisha was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, and when the Chaudharys knew that she wouldn't live long and if there was so much love amongst them then why did Ishan went all the way to London to study? Couldn't he have just studied in Delhi?

Generally, most people get into a herd mentality when influence marketing comes in play (remember, Lunch Box?) and even when they don't really like the film, they say they do because if everyone is saying it is a good film then maybe they didn't understand it like others did. Maybe I am wrong but then I live in a free country and have a right to my opinion. You can of course have yours.


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